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Blair Road

Four places in Singapore you need to add to your list

I spent 5 days in Singapore, and two of these were working so I didn’t have the most time to explore. I literally made the most of every hour I had – sometimes out exploring the city at 6am or at 11pm! It’s fair to say that the one thing I didn’t do a lot of in Singapore was sleep! So with all that exploring, what were my favourite Singapore finds?

#1 Duxton Hill

The taxi driver joked with me that it wasn’t really a hill in so much as it was a very gentle slope. And he was right – there are not a lot of hills to be found in Singapore and this certainly isn’t a particularly large hill.

This particular hill can be accessed either by walking around the curving road or through the staircase off Craig Road.

My first time on Duxton Hill was with my workmates when we went to Lucha Loco for dinner. Lucha Loco serves the most amazing Mexican street food and is an absolute must do – especially the corn. Yum!!

I fell head over heels with this little precinct. The quaint little Chinese Shophouses, the pedestrian only cobbled roads and the quirky little shops, restaurants and karaoke bars.

Duxton Hill Duxton Hill

So much so that I headed up to Alba 1836 for some wine and some pretty awesome truffle dishes by myself on Friday night.

Duxton Hill

#2 Blair Road

I’d heard about Blair Road from my friend Holly and seen it in her blogs but nothing prepares you for just how gorgeous this street is.

It’s the kind of street that you instantly want to live in. Even when you google and find that the only house on the market in the street is going for $5.5 million dollars.

I went exploring Blair Road with Holly’s Mum on my tour of Singapore like a local (biggest piece of advice – always find someone local to tell you where the best things are!)

I stopped at the door of almost every shophouse. Falling in love more and more with each one I passed. And the great thing – I actually had photos of me on my solo trip to Singapore thanks to Holly’s Mum!

My favourite may have to be this green one however. When I was little I used to tell my Mum that when I grew up I wanted to live in a really, really green house. I think this is quite the loveliest and most really green house I have ever seen. But you know, if number 45 isn’t available anytime soon I could settle for somewhere else on the street….

And it’s not just the houses – it’s the tiles, the greenery spilling out onto the roads and the shaded meeting spots outside the houses. It’s just magical.

#3 Fullerton Bay Hotel

Speaking of magical – oh my, this place.

Walking in to the lobby of the Fullerton Bay Hotel was the exact moment that I fell in love with Singapore.

The smell of fresh flowers reaches you before you even open the door. It’s what drew me in – I WISH I could afford to stay here but I was only passing by and drawn in by that heavenly smell.

It’s old world luxury recreated in a hotel that isn’t actually that old. From the moment you step in out of the Singapore heat to the cooled lobby with the high arched ceilings reflected on the floors it is clear this hotel is something quite special.

I couldn’t resist wandering in and taking photos and was half expecting to be kicked out. What did happen however is that when I was approached by a suited staff member I was invited upstairs to take photos of their rooftop bar Lantern.

If they are this nice to passers by in their active wear with a camera slung around their neck I imagine staying there must be incredible. Definitely on the wish list!

#4 Lighthouse Rooftop bar

While I was at the Fullerton Bay Hotel dreaming of being rich and famous they suggested I may like to check out the Fullerton Hotel across the road.

Much older than its counterpart across the road it had the same air of sophistication and style. Stepping inside to the vast, high atrium it again took my breath away when out of seemingly no where a pair of violinists started playing.

I stood rooted to the ground just smiling up at them. I couldn’t understand how people could continue on with their day when all this was happening around them, but hustle and bustle around me they did while I stood transfixed.

Again I was approached by a member of staff. Again I expected to be booted out like the interloper I was. Again I was blown away when I asked them if there was a spot to watch the light show in the Marina and they suggested the Lighthouse Rooftop Bar.

“Do you reckon they’ll let me in like this?” I asked, gesturing to my sneakers, active wear and backpack.

“It’s worth a try” she said.

So I went up the elevator to the Lighthouse Rooftop bar.

Everyone in there was dressed in suits and dresses. I felt a bit sub conscious at first but the staff teated me as if I was wearing Chanel instead of Nike pants and sneakers and a backpack and I decided that I was going to make the most of every second of this.

I ordered a Singapore Sling – the first one I’d ever had. And they bought me over some complimentary bar snacks. A bowl of peanuts and some things that looked a little like chips but at the same time not.

I sipped my drink and ate my snacks, taking pictures as the light changed.

When the light show over Marina Bay started I had the perfect view. I had to get a photo of me in this place so I got chatting to a couple on their honeymoon from Connecticut and they very kindly took my photo. It’s a good chance to show you just how out of place I looked too!

It was absolutely the best spot to watch the nightly light show – away from the crowds on the shore.

I went back to my seat. The waiter came over and cleared the empty dish and asked me if I would like any more Fried Fish Skins. Ahhh, explained so much….

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