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Leaping, spinning, swinging, flying at Coromandel Zipline Tours

Leaping, spinning, swinging, flying at Coromandel Zipline Tours

I’m a new comer to zip lining and I have to say fast becoming an addict! My first experience was just two weeks ago on the Rotorua Canopy Tours with my eldest daughter. I loved it so much that I wanted to take all the kids. We were going to Coromandel for Easter so that seemed like a perfect time to try out the Coromandel Zipline Tours.

Coromandel Zipline Tours

Coromandel Zipline Tours is located at Driving Creek Railway. So as part of your adventure you get to have a ride on the railway up the mountain (NZ’s only mountain railway they say). A leisurely 18 minute jaunt up the table through Barry Brickells legacy – through a forest he transformed from scrub, art he and his fellow potters created and even a retaining wall he made from wine bottles. It all speaks to the quirky ingenuity that the Coromandel is famous for.

Coromandel Zipline Tours

I’m a long time fan of Driving Creek Railway. I think the work that Barry Brickell has done to protect and restore the forest, foster the arts and contribute to the town is truly inspiring. If you have no other reason to visit (and I’m going to tell you loads) you can feel really good about all the profit from your entry price going back to supporting native forests and the NZ clay arts.

Coromandel has a vibe to it that you just can’t find anywhere else. Locals call it Coro Time but what ever it is the world seems to slow down when you are on the Coromandel Peninsula – particularly over the Western side where we spend most of our time. It’s away from all the more well known spots and there is never any shortage of magical, crazy, wonderful things happening on a seemingly daily basis.

I have to admit that I wasn’t sure how this laid back vibe would mesh with flying high between trees but it absolutely does.

Our guides, Jed and Cole, were so laid back and enthusiastic (while also leaving us under no illusions that they had all the safety aspects locked down) that from our first zip line we were running off the end of platforms without a minutes hesitation.

Coromandel Zipline Tours

I went with my brother in law, three teenage daughters and my 8 year old nephew. They were all fearless and grinning the whole time. There simply wasn’t a space for any nervousness of fear.

Coromandel Zipline Tours

My 8 year old nephew though was the biggest surprise. He was utterly fearless. Leaping, spinning, swinging, hanging upside down, flying between the trees while keeping us all laughing with his 8 year old swagger. Jed and Cole picked up on this straight away and effortlessly kept up with him and matched his appetite for adventure.

Coromandel Zipline Tours

There are 8 zip lines to adventure down, peppered with small bits of information about Barry, the railway, the history of the Coromandel and the efforts to restore the forest. These small breaks keep even the youngest entertained throughout and give you a moment to appreciate being in the forest.

If you’ve read my blog post about Rotorua Canopy Tours you’ll see that I used one word to describe it – magic.

It’s not the word I’d use here. If I had to use just one word to describe Coromandel Zip Line Tours however I’d use abandon. The dictionary says it’s a complete lack of inhibition or restraint and that’s exactly how it felt.

It was like we’d morphed into wood sprites for 2 hours (although maybe it was only the kids who could pass that look off!) skipping or dancing, joyfully through the forest. Worries and caution thrown to the wind, with laughter and cheers carrying each rider along.

Both tours were so very different so if you‘ve done one, definitely do the other. It’s well worth it. And if you’ve never done any zip lining, Coromandel Zip Line Tours is the perfect place to start.

And if you want to explore more of the magic side of the Coromandel, we’ve got so many recommendations. Check out our blogs or send us a message and we’ll tell you some of our favourite spots.

This was a planned adventure, but a lot of the time we just like to leave it all up to chance and get lost! If you are looking to leave it all up to chance and explore in a different way we recommend checking out our range of Getting Lost Games. They’re all made in New Zealand by me (Cat) and my husband James and they can be played anywhere in the world.

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