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Queenstown gondola and luge

Queenstown gondola and luge

The Queenstown gondola and luge were a short walk from our holiday park Creeksyde and were high on the kids list of things to do in Queenstown so it was the first thing that we did for our first day in Queenstown.

For less than $200 we secured rides up and down the gondola and 20 luge rides.

We were lucky enough to go down the Rotorua luge last year so we were comparing against this and found that the view was far more spectacular, the gondola steeper and more dramatic but the luge ride itself a lot less adventurous. So much so that after two rides down James and I gave our remaining rides to the kids who all got 5 rides down.

All was going well until the end of the 5th ride when Krystal came down the hill with a face like thunder. Apparently Sophia had side swiped her on the way down and we now had a serious case of road rage on our hand between the youngest two.

Shaking with rage and declaring they hated each other we had to separate them (hard when you still need to get back down the hill in a rather small gondola). At the bottom Krystal had said sorry but Sophia wasn’t having a bar of it so they were sent off with James for a bit of time out in the camper van while I took Bella for a drink in town.

Luge fun - prior to the road rage

Luge fun – prior to the road rage

Road rage aside, its a great way to spend a morning and while it is not the most adventurous thing you can do in Queenstown it certainly has the nicest views.

You can find out more about the Queenstown gondola and luge here….

James says…

Just not as good as Rotorua – we couldn’t recreate that here. The girls bonded at Rotorua – here they squabbled, they couldn’t even share a muesli bar nicely there. The views were amazing and seeing the parachuters walking off the cliff was pretty cool.

How we rate it…

Sophia (6 years old) rates it 9/10

Krystal (8 years old) rates it 10/10

Bella (9 years old) rates it 10/10

James rates it 7/10

Cat rates it 7/10

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