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The Bush Walk Edition

Regular price
$18.95 NZD
Regular price
$18.95 NZD
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  • Recommended age

    All Ages

  • Average game time

    1-2 hours

  • Stand alone or combine?

    Stand alone

  • Activity or Directions?

    Mostly activity with a few directions

  • Group or solo play?


  • Number of cards in this pack


This game gets adventurers who love walking in the bush to slow down and immerse themselves more deeply

The Bush Walk Edition will have you using all your senses as you make your way a little differently on your next bush walk. We’ll connect you with nature, give you activities to do on your walk, get you to look more closely, use your imagination and yes, just enough directions to not get you too lost.

More information

As with all our games we get ideas and feedback from our Getting Lost crew on Facebook, subscribers to our e-mails, purchasers and players of our games. Special thanks to Fiona, Linda, Jody-and, Amie, Justine, Cerae, Vanessa andKids Greening Taupowho have had their misdirection suggestions included in this very special edition of the Getting Lost Game

Our cards measures 91mm x 55mm. They have misdirection cards on one side and NZ and Australian locations (known as our inspiration cards) on the other side. All these locations can be found on our blog so its perfect for a little holiday inspiration and dreaming.

Want to customise your game? You can add one of our suitcases in your favourite colour. Our suitcases fit 45 cards and are great for combining packs and taking them out and about.

Please remember to play the game responsibly and make sure that you stay safe and able to get yourself back home at all times.  If you have any other questions please e-mail us at

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Jan Leslie
Very satisfied with product and service.

Very satisfied with product and service.

Thank you for the review - we really appreciate it!

Pam Anderson
Great idea

It will be a lot of fun for my family. I purchased 4 different packs, looking forward to an adventure with my kids!
However, I was surprised that there weren’t more cards in the box, it looked half full???

Thanks so much for the review. We have long games and short games. A long game is designed to play over 4 or more hours and has 25-30 cards. A short game (like the Bush Walk Edition) is designed to play over 1-2 hours. The price reflects the difference in cards. :-) We use the same boxes for all our games (long or short) and we try to craft a playable experience for the time people are likely to play each game without 'filler' cards - cutting down our environmental impact and providing a cheaper option for short games.


So excited to give this to the grandchildren for Xmas

Thanks for the review! Happy Adventuring!


Great game
Great company

Would just like the card to be made with a material that will last longer

Thanks so much for the review. We stay away from plastics on our cards to try and limit our impact on the environment. Despite this they really are quite durable - I still have my original set frrom when we made them 6 years ago!

Fiona Fowler

Perfect for my family orientated adventurous friend.

Thanks so much for the review. Happy adventuring!