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The Shack in Raglan

The Shack in Raglan

I have a confession to make – I’ve lived in Auckland some 30 years and have never been to Raglan before.

Accommodation booked I went armed with suggestions of where to eat from work colleagues who spent summers in Raglan – topping that list was The Shack.

We arrived at 11 on Sunday morning and were lucky to get a table – it was packed.

I had a vague notion that Raglan was a bit of a surfy town but instead my fellow diners were an interesting mix of Ponsonby cool hipsters and impressively hip seniors.

Comfortably furnished we were seated under the Raglan flag and given menu’s from which we (with much discussion) settled on the ‘shrooms and full ‘n proper as well as a jar of salted caramel chocolatey goodness for good measure. It was in a word – delicious!

The Shack in Raglan

Stylish bathroom and well stocked kitchen

As well as an extensive menu The Shack has an impressive range of cabinet food (which we did stop back in to sample for the trip back to Auckland).

You can peruse the menu here but really – you are better to take the 2 hour drive from Auckland and check it out for yourself…

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