Sentosa Island was on my maybe list. It looked amazing but there was so much that I wanted to do in Singapore that I just didn’t know if I’d have time to do it all in 5 days.
I arrived at my last day with only three things on my list – the Cloud Forest at Gardens by the Bay (a must do), Jewel (the new mall at Changi Airport with the largest indoor waterfall that I felt compelled to see) and Sentosa Island.
It was a lot for a day and the problem is that Sentosa had so much to explore. I decided the only way to do it was to play the Getting Lost Game over there and let the cards decide what I was going to explore.

Not sure what the Getting Lost Game is? It’s a game that James and I created to get you out of doing the same old thing (and following guides a bit like this!). It’s a set of 26 random misdirection cards in a 3d printed suitcase that send you off on random directions. Things like turn right, head to the highest spot etc. We love it, and so do you it seems as we’ve sold out 3 times in the year since we’ve launched and been featured on Radio NZ, The NZ Herald and Next Magazine. You can buy one for your next adventure right here.
It was my last day in Singapore and I’d become a bit more confident with public transport by then so I was up for the myriad of transport options to get to Sentosa. Of course I could have just caught a taxi there – but where is the fun in that.
Instead I caught a bus to VivoCity and from there caught the Monorail over to Sentosa Island. I decided to go as far as I possibly could on the Monorail and then play the Getting Lost Game from there.
This took me to the Beach Station stop. After a walk through a park (again that blending of nature and man made materials)…

I arrived, somewhat unsurprisingly at a Beach. It’s from this point that I started playing the Getting Lost Game. I took out the road based cards (things like follow a blue car or get on the motorway) and just had the direction based cards (things like turn right, head north etc).

So where did the cards lead me?

First up – to the bridge at Palawan Beach.
This leads across to the southern most point of Continental Asia.
Now there may have been a sign when I was there saying that the bridge was closed. And there may have been a small rope to shimmy under. But there was categorically no way I was not crossing this bridge!
It’s a very instagrammed bridge and I would have loved to have a picture of me walking on it – but this is the best I have.

From there it was head to the highest point. I needed to call in buses here as walking in this heat to the highest point didn’t seem like a great option….
I stopped on the way to check out Siloso Beach before heading up to the Cable Cars.

Quick tip here that when you google Sentosa Cable Car the suggested link is to a 1980’s disaster when two cable cars plunged into the ocean below. Do not read this! Move on past and assume that all the correct safety procedures are now in place….
What you should do however is buy a pass that allows you to travel on both lines (Mount Faber and Sentosa).
The cable car is awesome. Affording you an amazing view out over Sentosa and giving you an idea of the scale of the fun you can have at this place.

Sentosa is a haven for families and unashamedly caters for them. Had I of been in Singapore with the kids I would have spent a lot more time here and probably done a completely different set of things.
Back on the ground I kept on with the Getting Lost Game. I found another statue of Merlion (the mythical Singapore icon). Somewhat less crowded than the original but still a magnet for tourist photos.

Stopped for a coffee and made my way up the hill where I found a heart shaped out of flowers and a line of tourists waiting to have their photos taken there.
I ended up at Madame Tussauds. I’ve never been before and it wasn’t on my list of things to do but I decided to go with the cards and check it out.
It was great fun and the staff were super helpful to take my picture with the many lifelike figures along the way.

And then it was time to head for home.

I jumped not the Mount Faber Cable Car to head back to Singapore. Looking down at all the resorts, theme parks and slides below me and thinking just how much the kids would love this place. Next time Singapore, next time….